50 Astro 320 and DC40 Owner’s ManualCustomizing Your DeviceTracks SettingsFrom the main menu, select Setup >Tracks.• Track Log—turns track recordingon or off.• Record Method—selects a trackrecording method. Auto records thetracks at a variable rate to createan optimum representation of yourtracks.• Recording Interval—selects atrack log recording rate. Recordingpoints more frequently creates amoredetailed track, but fills thetrack log faster.• Auto Archive—selects anautomatic archive method toorganize your tracks. Tracks aresaved and cleared automaticallybased on the user setting.• Color—changes the color of thetrack line on the map.Changing the Units ofMeasureYou can customize units of measure fordistance and speed, elevation, depth,temperature, and pressure.1. From the main menu, select Setup> Units.2. Select a measurement type.3. Select a unit of measure for thesetting.Time SettingsFrom the main menu, select Setup >Time.• Time Format—allows you toselect a 12-hour or a 24-hourdisplay time.• Time Zone—allows you to selectthe time zone for the device. Youcan select Automatic to set thetime zone automatically based onyour GPS position.