Dakota Series Owner’s ManualAdditional ToolsHunt and Fish—view thepredicted best dates andtimes for hunting and fishingat your current location.Stopwatch—use a timer,mark a lap, and time laps.Monitoring SatelliteReceptionThe Satellite page shows yourcurrent location, the GPS accuracy,your current elevation, satellitelocations, and signal strength.To view the Satellite page:Touch at the bottom ofthe Main menu.••Satellite PageSatellitelocationsElevationSatellitestrengthThe green bars indicate GPS satellitestrength. White bars indicate that theDakota is still collecting data.Trip ComputerThe Trip Computer displays yourcurrent speed, average speed,maximum speed, trip odometer, andother helpful statistics.190-01069-00_0A.indd 18 4/17/2009 1:19:10 PM