Index0 Dakota Series Owner’s ManualGgeocaches 20GPS setting 22grid north 28guidance method 25Hheart rate monitor 29, 30Llanguage 22light sectors 26lock on road 25lock screen 3Mmagnetic north 27map information 7map setup 23marine 26mark waypoint 4microSD cardinstalling 33loading files 35mils 27Nnavigation 5stop 7north reference, compass27north up 23numeric degrees 27Ooff road 25off road transitions 25on road for distance 25on road for time 25orientation, map 23Pplot type 28POI 5points of interest 5position format 27pressureambient 29barometric 29trending 28unit of measurement27profiles 21Rrecent finds 5record method, tracks 24reverseroute points 14routescalculate 25edit 13reverse 14setup 25view 14Ssatellite signals 3SD card 33sensors 30serial number 1share wirelessly 17190-01069-00_0A.indd 40 4/17/2009 1:19:12 PM