Dakota Series Owner’s ManualCustomizing the DakotaZoom Levels—select the zoomlevel for map items.Text Size—select the text size formap items.Detail—select the amountof detail shown on the map.Showing more detail may causethe map to redraw more slowly.Shaded Relief—turn on shadedrelief maps if available.Map Information—touch the checkbox to display a map. This can behelpful if several maps are loaded onthe Dakota.Tracks SetupA track is a recording of your path.On the Main menu, touch Setup >Tracks.Track Log—turn track recording onor off.Record Method—select a track••••recording method. Touch Distance,Time, or Auto. If your recordmethod is time or distance, enter thespecific time or distance interval.Touch Auto to record the tracks ata variable rate to create an optimumrepresentation of your tracks.Interval—select a track logrecording rate. Recording pointsmore frequently creates a more-detailed track, but fills the track logfaster.Customizing the MainMenuYou can put frequently-usedapplications on the first page of theMain menu.To change the order ofapplications on the Main menu:1. Touch Setup > Main Menu.2. Touch the application you want tomove.190-01069-00_0A.indd 24 4/17/2009 1:19:10 PM