Garmin G2000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Corvalis T240190-01264-01 Rev. A13Nav/Com/XPDR/Audio PanelFlightInstruments EISNav/Com/XPDR/Audio AFCS FMS NavFlightPlanning ProceduresHazardAvoidanceAdditionalFeaturesAbnormalOperationAnnun/Alerts Appendix IndexNAV/COM/TRANSPONDER/AUDIO PANELSelecting a COM Radio for TransmissionCNS Bar MIC Button (COM1 selected for transmission)Audio & Radios ScreenCOM1 Active Frequency(selected for transmission)COM1 StandbyFrequencyMIC Button(COM2)MIC Button(COM1 selected fortransmission)COM2 PrimaryFrequencyCOM2 StandbyFrequencyCOM1 StandbyFrequencyCOM2 PrimaryFrequencyCOM2 StandbyFrequencyCOM1 ActiveFrequencySELECTING A COM RADIOSelecting a COM Radio for transmission:Touch the MIC Button in the CNS Bar on the Touchscreen Controller toswitch between COM radios until the desired COM is selected.Or:1) Touch the Audio & Radios Button to display the Audio & Radios Screen.2) If necessary, touch the Copilot Tab.3) If necessary, touch the Sync to Pilot Button to disable synchronizingselections to the pilot.4) Touch the desired MIC Button on the Audio & Radios Screen to select theCOM radio for transmission.Or: