Garmin G3X Touch Pilot’s Guide 190-01754-00 Rev. L170GPS NavigationSystemOverviewFlightInstrumentsEISCNSInterfaceGPSNavigationFlightPlanningHazardAvoidanceAdditionalFeaturesAFCSAnnun/AlertsAppendixIndex5.5 AIRSPACEThe Nearest Airspace Page and Airspace Alerts provide information about airspacesand the location of the aircraft in relationship to them. The Nearest Airspace Page canbe used to quickly find airspaces close to the flight path.The Nearest Airspace Page displays the class of airspace, controlling agency, verticalboundaries, and status.Selecting and viewing nearest airspaces:1) Press the NRST Key.2) Touch the Page Navigation Bar.3) Touch Airspace.4) Touch the desired airspace.AIRSPACE ALERT MESSAGESWhen an airspace alert appears, press the NRST Key to automatically show nearbyairspace information on the Nearest Airspace Page. This information includes name,time to entry (if applicable), and status.There are four types of status information:• Ahead—Projected to enter the airspace within the next 10 minutes or less• Near—Within two nautical miles of an airspace but not projected to enter it• Near & Ahead—Projected to enter the airspace within two nautical miles• Inside Airspace—Within the boundaries of the airspaceSMART AIRSPACE™ AND ALTITUDE OVERLAYSSmart Airspace™ integration makes it easier for pilots to identify what airspace liesahead. This feature conveniently highlights the airspace nearest to the aircraft’s currentaltitude and de-emphasizes non-pertinent airspace so pilots can quickly distinguishtheir location to the relevant airspace around them.