Garmin G3X Touch Pilot’s Guide 190-01754-00 Rev. L54Flight InstrumentsSystemOverviewFlightInstrumentsEISCNSInterfaceGPSNavigationFlightPlanningHazardAvoidanceAdditionalFeaturesAFCSAnnun/AlertsAppendixIndexVSPEED REFERENCEVspeed references including VNE, Vno, Vso, Vs1, Vfe, Va, Vx, Vy, VYse, Vg, Vr, as well as severalcustom Vspeeds can be configured from the Aircraft Configuration Page, refer to theG3X Touch Installation Manual for more information.When airspeed is present, the Vspeeds configured are also displayed at theirrespective locations to the right of the airspeed scale, otherwise the Vspeeds aredisplayed at the bottom of the airspeed indicator.Vspeed References(with airspeed)Vspeed ReferencesVspeed ReferencesVspeed References(without airspeed)ATTITUDE INDICATORAttitude information is displayed over a virtual blue sky and brown ground with awhite horizon line. The Attitude Indicator displays the pitch (indicated by the yellowsymbolic aircraft on the pitch scale), roll, and slip/skid information.The horizon line is part of the pitch scale. Pitch markings occur at 2.5˚ intervalsthrough all pitch ranges.The inverted white triangle indicates zero on the roll scale. Major tick marks at 30˚and 60˚ and minor tick marks at 10˚, 20˚, and 45˚ are shown to the left and right of thezero. Angle of bank is indicated by the position of the pointer on the roll scale.Slip/skid is indicated by the location of the ball.