Post-Installation Configuration & CheckoutGDL 90 Installation Manual 560-1049-00 Rev B 4-14 POST INSTALLATION CONFIGURATION & CHECKOUTPROCEDURESOnce the GDL 90 unit has been installed, configure the unit for the particular installation and thencomplete the checkout procedures herein to verify proper operation for continued airworthiness. Thesteps that are not applicable to a particular installation may be skipped. A checkout log sheet, included onpage 4-10, is to be filled out during the checkout procedure. The completed checkout log sheet should bemaintained with the aircraft permanent records.CAUTIONOperating the GDL 90 with no RF terminations on the Top or Bottom UAT Antennaports can result in equipment damage. Always operate the GDL 90 with the Top andBottom UAT Antenna ports terminated with a VSWR ratio of 3.0:1 or less.4.1 MOUNTING AND WIRING CHECKVerify that all cables are properly secured and shields are connected as the install drawings indicate.Installation may require that you check the movement of the aircraft controls to verify that there is nointerference.4.2 EQUIPMENT SETUP AND CONFIGURATIONPrior to system operation, the GDL 90 must be configured for the particular installation. The systemsetup and checkout functions are accessed through the Maintenance mode of the GDL 90, which isaccessible by connecting a PC or terminal to the GDL 90 serial maintenance port (P1-3 and 4, RS232RxD1 and TxD1, 38400 baud rate, 8-bit data, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control) and using commandsas described in the following sections.