Post-Installation Configuration & Checkout560-1049-00 Rev B GDL 90 Installation Manual4-24.2.1 MAINTENANCE MODEThe GDL 90 maintenance port, operating at 38400 baud rate, 8-bit data, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flowcontrol, allows maintenance personnel to perform the following functions:• Program/view GDL 90 APM settings• View GDL 90 system status• View the status of the GDL 90 external inputs• View status of GPS/WAAS Engine• View version numbers• Reset the GDL 90Available commands are summarized in Table 4-1. Commands are not case-sensitive (some characters incommands described in this section are capitalized to improve readability). Within a command, fieldsand parameters are separated by spaces.Command Parameters DescriptionHelp none Display list of available commandsAPMinit none Start the APM initialization routineAPMread none Display APM settingsDiscrete none View discrete inputs & outputsExternal none View status of connected external systemsGPSstatus P1 Monitor GPS statusPlayAudio none Test audio outputReset none Reset unitRxMsg P1 View number of good messages in 1 secondService none View service informationVersion none View software versionsTable 4-1. Maintenance Mode Commands4.2.1.1 HelpThis command causes the GDL 90 to display a list of available commands and their brief descriptions,which are listed in Table 4- APMinit CommandThis command starts the micro APM initialization procedure, which leads the user step by step in settingup the aircraft personality module (APM). The user can quit the initialization procedure at any time;however the APM will not be programmed if the procedure is prematurely terminated. The new settingswill not take effect until the GDL 90 is restarted or reset.The procedure guides the user step-by-step in entering data that will be stored in the APM. The requiredsettings and formats are listed in the following sections.