190-02291-06 Rev. 2 AFMS – GFC 500 Autopilot in Textron 182 SeriesPage 3–7HEADING DATA SOURCE FAILURE1. Autopilot ............................................................................................ SELECT different lateral modeNOTETrack information will be displayed on the G5.Without a heading source to the navigator, GPSS will not be provided to the autopilot forheading legs. Navigator map cannot be oriented heading up.ELEVATOR MISTRIM (AUTOTRIM)(Amber TRIM UP or TRIM DOWN displayed on the G5.)Do not attempt to overpower the autopilot in the event of a pitch mistrim. The autopilot servowill oppose pilot input and will cause pitch trim to run opposite the direction of pilot input. Thiswill lead to a significant out-of-trim condition, resulting in large control wheel force whendisengaging the autopilot.NOTEIndicates a mistrim of the elevator while the autopilot is engaged.If a pitch trim servo is not installed, refer to the normal procedures section of this AFMS, MANUALPITCH TRIM WITH AUTOPILOT ENGAGED. If a pitch trim servo is installed, the autopilot willnormally trim the airplane as required. However, during rapid acceleration, deceleration,configuration changes, or near either end of the elevator trim limits, momentary illumination ofthis message may occur. If the autopilot is disconnected while this message is displayed, highelevator control forces are possible.If a pitch trim servo is not installed:1. Refer to the normal procedures section of this AFMS, MANUAL PITCH TRIM WITH AUTOPILOTENGAGED.If a pitch trim servo is installed:NOTEMomentary display of the TRIM UP or TRIM DOWN message during configuration changes orlarge airspeed changes is normal.1. Control Wheel ............................................................................................................. GRIP FIRMLYBe prepared for significant sustained control forces in the direction of the mistrim annunciation.For example, TRIM DOWN indicates nose down control wheel force will be required uponautopilot disconnect.2. AP DISC / TRIM INT Button .........................................................................PRESS AND RELEASEWARNINGWARNING