190-02291-06 Rev. 2 AFMS – GFC 500 Autopilot in Textron 182 SeriesPage 7–7PREFLIGHT TESTDuring the preflight test the G5 will display PFT in the autopilot status box. The autopilot disconnect tone soundsat the completion of the preflight test and the PFT annunciation is removed. If GFC 500 fails the PFT, a yellow APwith a red X is displayed in the autopilot status box on the G5.MESSAGES AND ANNUNCIATIONSAutopilot MessagesAFCS Controller KeyStuckThe system has sensed a key input on the GMC 507 for 30 seconds orlonger.AFCS Controller AudioDatabase MissingThe audio database is missing from the GMC 507. The aural voice alertswill not be heard.Servo Clutch Fault One or more autopilot servos has a stuck clutch. The servo needs service.Servo Trim Input Fault The inputs to the trim system are invalid. The trim system needs service.Autopilot AnnunciationsAutopilot has failed. Autopilot and trim are inoperative and flight director isnot available.Autopilot normal disconnect.Autopilot abnormal disconnect.Autopilot has failed. The autopilot is inoperative. FD modes may still beavailable.Autopilot Overspeed Protection mode is active. Autopilot will raise the noseto limit the aircraft’s speed.Autopilot Underspeed Protection mode is active. Autopilot will lower thenose to prevent the aircraft’s speed from decreasing.Autopilot preflight test is in progress.Pitch Trim Fail – Manual Electric Pitch Trim is inoperative.Elevator Trim Down – Autopilot is holding elevator nose down force. Thepitch trim needs to be adjusted nose down.Elevator Trim Up – Autopilot is holding elevator nose up force. The pitchtrim needs to be adjusted nose up.AFCSAPAPAPMAXSPDMINSPDPFTPTRIMTRIM DOWNTRIM UP