Safety and Product InformationThis section of the Appendix contains information about yourlicense agreement and warranty, as well as compliance information.Read the Safety Information to learn how to properly and safelyoperate the GPSMAP 276C.Software License AgreementBY USING THE GPSMAP 276C, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THETERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING SOFTWARE LICENSEAGREEMENT. PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY.Garmin grants you a limited license to use the software embedded in thisdevice (the “Software”) in binary executable form in the normal operation ofthe product. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and tothe Software remain with Garmin.You acknowledge that the Software is the property of Garmin and is protectedunder the United States of America copyright laws and international copyrighttreaties. You further acknowledge that the structure, organization, and codeof the Software are valuable trade secrets of Garmin and that the Software insource code form remains a valuable trade secret of Garmin. You agree notto decompile, disassemble, modify, reverse assemble, reverse engineer, orreduce to human readable form the Software or any part thereof or create anyderivative works based on the Software. You agree not to export or re-exportthe Software to any country in violation of the export control laws of theUnited States of America.Product RegistrationHelp us better support you by completing our online registrationtoday! Have the serial number of your GPSMAP 276C handy andconnect to our Web site ( Look for the ProductRegistration link on our Home page.Use this area to record the serial number (8-digit number locatedon the back of the box) in case your GPSMAP 276C is lost, stolen,or needs service. Keep your original sales receipt in a safe place orattach a photocopy inside the manual.Serial Number: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___Contact GarminIf you should encounter any difficulty while using your GPS unit,or if you have any questions, in the U.S.A. contact Garmin ProductSupport by phone: 913/397.8200 or 800/800.1020, Monday–Friday,8 AM–5 PM Central Time; or by e-mail at InEurope, contact Garmin (Europe) Ltd. at 44/0870.8501241.118 GPSMAP 276C Owner’s ManualAPPENDIX > SAFETY AND PRODUCT INFORMATION