To add points to the route:1. Press MENU twice to open the Main Menu. Use the Rockerkey to select the Route tab.2. Use the Rocker key to select the desired route and pressENTER.3. Use the Rocker key to highlight the spot in the route that youwant to add the new point. (The new point is added beforethe highlighted route point.) Press MENU.4. Highlight Insert Waypoint and press ENTER. The FindMenu automatically opens for you to search for and selectthe point you want to add to the route.Route Review Page5. In the point review page, highlight OK and press ENTER toadd the new point to the route.To edit the route on the map:1. Press MENU twice to open the Main Menu. Use the Rockerkey to select the Route tab from the vertical menu of tabs.2. Select the desired route and press ENTER. Press MENU toopen the Route Review page options menu.3. Highlight Edit on Map and press ENTER.4. Use the Rocker key to select a location on the route (theroute turns white when the arrow is over the route). PressENTER.5. Use the Rocker key to drag the route to the new pointlocation and press ENTER.Editing the route on the map6. If the New Waypoint page opens, edit the waypoint asdesired, highlight OK, and press ENTER.7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 until all desired points are added tothe route. Press Quit when finished.24 GPSMAP 276C Owner’s ManualBASIC OPERATION IN MARINE MODE > C REATING AND USING ROUTES