11Getting StartedMain Page Sequence11Getting StartedUsing the Optional Marine RemoteQUIT PAGEFCTNADJMENU NAVMOBDATACNFG1 ABC2 DEF3GHI4 JKL5 MNO6PQRS7 TUV8WXYZ9ZOOM+ -0RANGEENTEROptional Alphanumeric Remote Control UsageThe GPSMAP 3006C/3010C’s optional Marine Remote Control gives you the freedom to operate yourMFD from a distance using the remote’s keypad. Contact your Garmin dealer or Garmin to purchase theMarine Remote ControlIn order for the remote to operate properly, be sure to point the IR (infrared) window on the remotetowards the unobstructed IR window on the lower right corner of the GPSMAP 3006C/3010C.The remote also has function keys that allow you to quickly enter data and perform operations on theMFD. All the keys on the Remote Control operate in the same manner as the keypad (see pages 9-10) onthe GPSMAP 3006C/3010C. The key’s primary function appears on the key and the secondary func-tions (same as keys on the MFD) for the ADJ/MENU, NAV/MOB, DATA/CNFG, and THUMB STICK(ENTER/MARK) can be activated by holding the key for more than two seconds (then release).THUMB STICK — Combines the operations of the ARROW KEYPAD and ENTER/MARK key.Selects menu options, changes settings, enters data, and confirms entry. Also controls movement of thepanning cursor on the Map page. Press IN (ENTER) on the THUMB STICK to select/activate a high-lighted item or begin data entry. Press IN and hold for two seconds to mark a waypoint.Remote Control BatteriesThe remote requires two AAA alkaline batteries. To install the batteries, press down on the batterydoor clip, then pull the battery door away from the remote. Install the batteries observing the correctpolarity (see inside battery compartment). Replace the cover, making sure it is closed all the way.The remote is for use in shaded/enclosed environments. Direct sunlight interferes withinfrared operation. This remote is NOT waterproof.IR WindowTHUMB STICK,