15Getting StartedMain Page Sequence15Getting StartedEntering DataHow To Enter DataNaming a waypoint or placing any sort of data that has not been predefined requires the use of theARROW KEYPAD, ENTER, and/or DATA ENTRY keys.To enter a name or number in a data field:1. Once you have accessed a page with programmable data fields (e.g. ‘ Waypoint Edit’) you can use theARROW KEYPAD to move the cursor (Highlight) to fields on the page. Use the UP/DOWN arrows to moveup or down and the LEFT/RIGHT arrows to move sideways.2. Pressing ENTER with the fi eld highlighted begins the process for entering data in the form of alphanumericcharacters.3. Each DATA ENTRY key has multiple characters assigned to it. Pressing the key one time selects the firstcharacter, twice selects the second character, three times the third character, and four times selects thenumber assigned to the key. The only DATA ENTRY key that does not have at least four characters is the“+, -, 0” key.When entering data using the DATA ENTRY keys, press the key repeatedly until the correct character isselected, then pause briefly or press the next letter/number from a different key. The unit automaticallymoves the cursor to the next placeholder.orUse the ARROW KEYPAD UP/DOWN arrows to cycle through numbers 0 to 9, plus/minus symbols, blankspace, and the alphabet. Pressing and releasing the keypad moves you character by character through thelist. Pressing and holding the keypad moves you rapidly through the list.4. Use the ARROW KEYPAD LEFT/RIGHT arrows to manually move to the next character on the line or back-wards to edit characters. Press LEFT on the ARROW KEYPAD from the first character position to clear theentire field. If there are more than two lines of data, keep pressing to the RIGHT to drop down to the nextline.5. When data entry is completed press ENTER to accept data, then move to the next programmable field. Notall data fields are programmable, such as the date and time. When moving about a page with these fields,the cursor skips over them.Pressing UP or DOWNon the ARROW KEYPADor using the DATAENTRY keys changesnumbers and letters.Pressing LEFT or RIGHTon the ARROW KEYPADmoves the cursor alongthe line or to the nextline.