49Getting StartedMain Page Sequence49ReferenceTo create a route using text from the Route Review page:1. Hold ADJ/MENU for two seconds to display the Main Menu. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the‘Routes’ tab.2. Highlight the ‘New Route’ button and press ENTER.3. Press FCTN, then highlight the ‘Numbers’ button and press ENTER.4. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the first fi eld under the word “Waypoint” and press ENTER.5. From the Find menu, highlight ‘Waypoints’ and press ENTER. (You may also choose from other points, suchas Cities, Tide Stations, etc. from this list.) Select a waypoint from either the “By Name” or “Nearest” tablist and press ENTER. (See page 54 for searching for waypoints by name.)6. On the Review page, ‘OK’ is automatically highlighted. Press ENTER to add the point to the route.As you add each new waypoint to the route, the list shows the waypoint/map item name, leg distance,course between points, and a selectable column to display a variety of other route information (see page53). The bottom of the display shows totals for each column.7. Repeat steps 4-6 until the desired route points have been entered. Press QUIT to return to the Route Listpage.Following a RouteOnce a route has been created, it can be activated and used for navigation with the NAV key. A routemay be followed in the same sequence as it was originally created, inverted and followed from the endpoint back to the beginning point, or re-evaluated.To activate and follow a route:1. From any page, press the NAV key, then select ‘Follow Route’. (If you highlight a route from the Route Listor Route Review page and press NAV, the window automatically displays, ‘Follow ’.)2. Highlight the route you wish to navigate and press ENTER.To deactivate (stop navigation) of a route:Press the NAV key, select ‘Stop Navigation’.Choose the type of point you want toadd to the route.Choose a waypoint from either the ‘ByName’ or ‘Nearest’ tab list.Following a Route