Creating and Using WaypointsWaypoints are locations or landmarks you record and store in yourGPS. They are locations you might want to return to later, such ascheckpoints on a route or significant ground features. You can addwaypoints to routes and even create a Go To directly to the selectedwaypoint.Save your current location as a waypoint by pressing and holdingENTER/MARK. You can also find waypoints using the map or theFind Menu and then store them in the unit before ever leaving home.The GPSMAP 376C stores up to 3,000 alphanumeric waypoints witha user-defined icon, comment, elevation, depth, and temperatureavailable for each waypoint. Waypoints can be created using threebasic methods:• ENTER/MARK—allows you to quickly mark your presentlocation.• Graphically—allows you to define a new waypoint locationfrom the map display using the ROCKER.• Text Entry—allows you to enter a new waypoint’s locationcoordinates manually.Marking Your Present LocationUse the ENTER/MARK key to quickly capture your presentlocation to create a new waypoint. You must have a valid position(2D or 3D) fix to mark your present location. You can determine thesatellite fix by looking at the GPS tab on the Main Menu.To mark your present location:1. Press and hold the ENTER/MARK key until the NewWaypoint Page appears, then release it. A default four-digitname and symbol are assigned for the new waypoint.New Waypoint Page2. To accept the waypoint with the default information, use theROCKER to highlight OK, and press ENTER.To change any information on the New Waypoint Page,highlight the appropriate field and press ENTER. Afterentering and confirming your changes, highlight OK andpress ENTER.24 GPSMAP 376C Owner’s ManualBASIC OPERATION IN MARINE MODE > C REATING AND USING WAYPOINTS