Following a Marine RouteAfter you activate a route, the GPSMAP 376C automatically startsguiding you to the destination using a variety of tools and pages.See Your Route on the Map PageYou can track the progress of your route on the Map Page. Yourroute is shown with a magenta line. For more information see the“Map Page” section beginning on page 41.Map PageView Your Heading with the Compass PageDuring active navigation, the Compass Page guides you to yourdestination with digital data fields and a graphic compass displaywith a bearing pointer. When the pointer is pointing straight up, youare heading directly to your destination. For more information seethe “Compass Page” section beginning on page 47.Compass PageView Your Path on the Highway PageWhenever a route is initiated, the Highway Page provides digitaland graphic steering guidance to the destination. A compass ribbonappears at the top of the page to show your current heading,represented by the violet bar. The red vertical bar represents thebearing to your course. To stay on course, steer towards the redvertical indicator (or arrows) until it lines up with the violet barin the middle. The bottom section of the screen provides visualguidance to the waypoint on a graphic highway display. The linedown the center of the highway represents your desired track line.For more information see the “Highway Page” section beginning onpage 50.GPSMAP 376C Owner’s Manual 39BASIC OPERATION IN MARINE MODE > FOLLOWING A MARINE ROUTE