Serial Data Format—sets the data format to one of the following:• Garmin Data Transfer—provides the proprietary formatused to exchange data with a computer or another Garminunit. Garmin Data Transfer is disabled when the USB isconnected, and the unit automatically switches to USB format.When the USB is disconnected, the USB field changes toTransfer Mode.• GARMIN DGPS—connects the GPSMAP 376C with aGarmin DGPS beacon receiver.• Garmin Remote Sonar—connects the GPSMAP 376C witha GSD 20 or GSD 21 Sounder Module and transducer.• NMEA In/NMEA Out—supports the input/output ofstandard NMEA 0183 version 3.01 data and sonar NMEAinput support for the DBT, DSE, DPT, MTW, and VHWsentences.• RTCM In—allows DGPS input using a standard RTCMformat.• RTCM In/NMEA Out—allows DGPS input using a standardRTCM format and also provides NMEA 0183 version 3.01output.• RTCM In/Text Out—allows Differential GPS (DGPS) inputusing a standard RTCM format and also outputs simple textdata that includes, data, time, location, and velocity.• Text Out—allows the unit to output simple text data thatincludes, data, time, location, and velocity. The Baud can beset to 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600.• None—provides no interfacing capabilities.If you select GARMIN DGPS or RTCM In/NMEA Out format,you can control a differential beacon receiver directly from yourGPSMAP 376C using the Interface sub tab. You can have the unitautomatically scan for the DGPS beacon signal, or you can enterthe beacon frequency and bit rate on the unit, and the information isused to tune the beacon receiver. If you use a DGPS receiver, WAAScapability is automatically turned off.To have the unit automatically scan for a frequency:1. Set the unit to GARMIN DGPS or RTCM In/NMEA Out.2. Highlight the Beacon field, and press ENTER.3. Highlight Scan, and press ENTER. The numbers in theFrequency field change as the unit scans from 284 kHz to325 kHz, 200 bit rate, then 100, at 6-second intervals.92 GPSMAP 376C Owner’s ManualM AIN MENU > SETUP TAB190-00508-00_0C.indd 92 11/6/2006 9:47:40 AM