To view a chart’s details for another time during theday (other than current time):1. From the Tide sub tab with the chart you want to view, pressMENU, and then select Move Cursor.2. Press the ROCKER right or left to view the chart at anothertime.3. To return to the current time, press MENU, and select StopMoving Cursor.To automatically start cursor mode to scroll the chart:1. Highlight the Date field. Then press down to start the pointer(pan) mode.2. Scroll the chart right to view the next day or left to view theprevious day.Sun & Moon Sub TabThe Sun & Moon sub tab provides you with sunrise/sunset andmoon rise/set times. A graphic of the moon phase also appears.You can view Sun & Moon information for any date or location.You can also use the play, fast forward, and stop buttons to view ananimation of the Sun & Moon sub tab.To view sun and moon information for a different date:1. Highlight the Date field, and press ENTER.2. Use the ROCKER to change the digits of the date to the dateyou want. You can also use the zoom IN and OUT keys toview information for another date. Press and hold IN or OUTto scroll quickly through dates.3. Press ENTER when finished. The unit shows the sun andmoon information for the selected date.4. To use the current date again, highlight the Date field. PressMENU, highlight Use Current Date, and press ENTER.Sun & Moon Sub TabMoon phaseAnimationcontrols for thesky viewSelect thedate andlocationLocation of thesun and moonin the sky viewGPSMAP 376C Owner’s Manual 81M AIN MENU > C ELESTIAL TAB190-00508-00_0C.indd 81 11/6/2006 9:47:38 AM