6-3On the route number field, you may choose between routes 0 through 19 withCLR. Next to this is a route action field which allows you to activate the route,clear the route, copy the route to another location, or invert the order of thewaypoints in a route and activate it. The arrow keys allow you to scrollthrough the list of waypoints in a route.6.2 CREATING AND COPYING ROUTESThe Route Definition Page allows you to create new routes and to copy aroute to another location for later reference.To Create a Route...· Press RTE and, if needed, theRTE softkey to display the RouteDefinition Page.· Move the cursor to the routenumber field and press CLR untilyou find an empty route. (HINT:Although the route number field isa cyclic field, to speed selectionyou may also enter the desiredroute number using thealphanumeric keys.)· Place the cursor on the first blank waypoint name field using the arrowkeys and type in a waypoint you wish to put in the route.· Press ENT· Repeat this process for each waypoint you want to add, up to a totalof 30.To copy a route...· Press RTE and, if needed, theRTE softkey to display the RouteDefinition Page.· Highlight the route number fieldwith the cursor and select the routenumber to copy from with CLR.· Highlight the route action field with the arrow keys and press CLR until“Copy To” is displayed.· A third field now appears in the top right corner. Highlight this field andselect the destination route number with CLR.· Press ENT. The route is now copied.