Road Tech ™ zūmo 665 Owner’s Manual IntroductionIntroduction WarnIngSee the Important Safety and ProductInformation on pages 59–60 forproduct warnings and other importantinformation.Manual ConventionsWhen you are instructed to “touch”something, use your finger to touch anitem on the screen.The small arrows (>) used in the textindicate that you should touch a seriesof items. For example, if you see“touch Where To? > Favorites” youshould touch Where To?, and thentouch Favorites.road Tech ™ zūmo Tipsand ShortcutsTo quickly return to the Menupage, touch and hold Back.Touch and to see morechoices. Touch and hold to scrollfaster.Pages appear differently based onyour usage mode and settings.Contact InformationContact Garmin if you have anyquestions while using your zūmo. Inthe USA, go to, or contact Garmin USA byphone at (913) 397-8200 or(800) 800-1020.•••Contact your local Harley-Davidsondealer for information about productsand services.myGarmin™Go to to accessthe latest services for your RoadTech™ zūmo:Register your unit.Subscribe to online services forsafety camera information (seepage 49).Unlock optional maps.•••