28Finding a WaypointWaypoints that you have created and stored in theeTrex Legend can be found by selecting the “Waypoint’option from the Find Menu. You can find a waypointfrom the list of waypoints using the ‘By Name’ or ‘Nearest’options as explained on the previous page. When selectedfrom the list, the waypoint displays on the WaypointInformation Page.The Waypoint Information Page displays thewaypoint name or number, a map symbol, the location inlat/lon, elevation, distance, bearing, and three on-screenbuttons for ‘Goto’, ‘Map’, and ‘OK’ functions.To find a waypoint:1. Use the CLICK STICK to select the Waypoint optionfrom the Find List and then press it in to display aprompt to select ‘By Name’ or ‘Nearest’. Select, thenpress the CLICK STICK to display the WaypointsList.2. Use the CLICK STICK to select the desiredwaypoint from the list and then press it in to displaythe Information Page for that waypoint.3. With the Information Page displayed, you can select‘Goto’ to create a direct line of travel to thewaypoint. Select ‘Map’ to view the waypoint loca-tion on the map or select ‘OK’ to close the page.4. Use the Options Menu to add the waypoints to the‘Favorites’ list, add it to an existing route, projecta new waypoint from this location, view sun andmoon, and best fishing and hunting time informa-tion for this waypoint.Find OptionsMain MenuWaypoint Information PageWaypoint Find ListFavorites Category