35Creating and Using a RouteRoute navigation allows you to create a sequenceof intermediate waypoints which lead you to your finaldestination. The eTrex Legend stores 20 routes, each withup to 50 waypoints. A route can be created and modifiedfrom the Route Page, and waypoints can be added to aroute from the Find Menu. More complex routes can becreated using a PC and MapSource mapping programsand then transferred to the unit memory.To create a route:1. Access the ‘Routes’ page from the Main Menu. Thepage has a ‘New’ button, a list of routes, and thenumber of unused routes.2. Use the CLICK STICK to highlight the ‘New’ buttonand press it in to display the route Setup Page.3. With an empty row (dashed) in the route list high-lighted, press in on the CLICK STICK to display theFind Menu.4. Use the Find Menu to select a route waypoint fromone of the Find Menu categories and display theInformation Page for the selected waypoint, city,exit, point of interest, etc. Highlight the on-screen‘OK’ button and press in on the CLICK STICK toplace it on the Routes List.5. To add more waypoints to the route, repeat theprocess in Steps 3 and 4. The route is named for thefi rst and last waypoints on the route.You can add waypoints to the end of an existing routeat any time by using the Find Menu.To add a Find Menu item to a route:1. Select an item from the Find Menu and display itsInformation Page.2. Display the page Options Menu and select the ‘AddTo Route’ option to display the Routes List.3. Highlight and select the route desired and thenpress in on the CLICK STICK. A “Waypoint AddedSuccessfully” message displays.A Route with list of waypoints.The Routes Page with a listof Routes and the number ofUnused Routes.“Add To Route” optionfrom the Find MenuInformation PagesMain MenuRoutes