view. The details, projected heading, and trails settingsconfigured for one chart or one 3D chart view are applied to allcharts and to all 3D chart views.1 From a chart or 3D chart view, select MENU > OtherVessels > AIS Display Setup.2 Select an option:• To indicate the distance from your location in which AISvessels appear, select AIS Display Range, and select adistance.• To show details about AIS-activated vessels, selectDetails > Show.• To set the projected heading time for AIS-activatedvessels, select Projected Heading, and enter the time.• To show the tracks of AIS vessels, select Trails, andselect the length of the track that appears using a trail.Activating a Target for an AIS Vessel1 From a chart or a 3D chart view, select an AIS vessel.2 Select AIS Vessel > Activate Target.Viewing Information about a Targeted AIS VesselYou can view the AIS signal status, MMSI, GPS speed, GPSheading, and other information that is reported about a targetedAIS vessel.1 From a chart or a 3D chart view, select an AIS vessel.2 Select AIS Vessel.Deactivating a Target for an AIS Vessel1 From a chart or a 3D chart view, select an AIS vessel.2 Select AIS Vessel > Deactivate Target.Viewing a List of AIS ThreatsFrom a chart or 3D chart view, select MENU > OtherVessels > AIS List.Setting the Safe-Zone Collision AlarmBefore you can set a safe-zone collision alarm, you must have acompatible chartplotter connected to an AIS device.The safe-zone collision alarm is used only with AIS. The safezone is used for collision avoidance, and can be customized.1 Select Settings > Alarms > AIS > AIS Alarm > On.A message banner appears and an alarm sounds when anAIS-activated vessel enters the safe-zone area around yourboat. The object is also labeled as dangerous on the screen.When the alarm is off, the message banner and audiblealarm are disabled, but the object is still labeled asdangerous on the screen.2 Select Range.3 Select a distance for the safe-zone radius around yourvessel.4 Select Time To.5 Select a time at which the alarm will sound if a target isdetermined to intersect the safe zone.For example, to be notified of a pending intersection 10minutes before it will likely occur, set Time To to 10, and thealarm will sound 10 minutes before the vessel intersects thesafe zone.AIS Distress SignalsSelf-contained AIS distress signal devices transmit emergencyposition reports when activated. The chartplotter can receivesignals from Search and Rescue Transmitters (SART),Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRB), andother man overboard signals. Distress signal transmissions aredifferent than standard AIS transmissions, so they appeardifferently on the chartplotter. Instead of tracking a distresssignal transmission for collision avoidance, you track a distresssignal transmission to locate and assist a vessel or person.Navigating to a Distress Signal TransmissionWhen you receive a distress signal transmission, a distresssignal alarm appears.Select Review > Go To to begin navigation to thetransmission.AIS Distress Signal Device Targeting SymbolsSymbol DescriptionAIS distress signal device transmission. Select to see moreinformation about the transmission and begin navigation.Transmission lost.Transmission test. Appears when a vessel initiates a test oftheir distress signal device, and does not represent a trueemergency.Transmission test lost.Enabling AIS Transmission Test AlertsTo avoid a large number of test alerts and symbols in crowdedareas such as marinas, you can select to receive or ignore AIStest messages. To test an AIS emergency device, you mustenable the chartplotter to receive test alerts.1 Select Settings > Alarms > AIS.2 Select an option:• To receive or ignore Emergency Position Indicating RadioBeacon (EPRIB) test signals, select AIS-EPIRB Test.• To receive or ignore Man Overboard (MOB) test signals,select AIS-MOB Test.• To receive or ignore Search and Rescue Transponder(SART) test signals, select AIS-SART Test.Turning Off AIS ReceptionAIS signal reception is turned on by default.Select Settings > Other Vessels > AIS > Off.All AIS functionality on all charts and 3D chart views isdisabled. This includes AIS vessel targeting and tracking,collision alarms that result from AIS vessel targeting andtracking, and the display of information about AIS vessels.Chart and 3D Chart View SettingsNOTE: Not all settings apply to all charts and 3D chart views.Some options require premium maps or connected accessories.These settings apply to the charts and 3D chart views, exceptFish Eye 3D (Fish Eye 3D Settings, page 8).From a chart or a 3D chart view, select MENU.Waypoints & Tracks: See Waypoints and Tracks Settings onthe Charts and Chart Views, page 7.Other Vessels: See Other Vessels Settings on the Charts andChart Views, page 8.Navaids: Shows navigational aids on the Fishing chart.Chart Setup: See Navigation and Fishing Chart Setup,page 6.Overlay Numbers: See Overlay Numbers Settings, page 7.This might appear in the Chart Setup menu.Chart Appearance: See Chart Appearance Settings, page 7.This might appear in the Chart Setup menu.Navigation and Fishing Chart SetupNOTE: Not all settings apply to all charts and 3D chart views.Some settings require external accessories or applicablepremium charts.From the Navigation chart or Fishing chart, select MENU >Chart Setup.Satellite Photos: Shows high-resolution satellite images on theland or on both land and sea portions of the Navigation chart,6 Charts and 3D Chart Views