TIP: To reset the pin and measure from the current location ofthe cursor, select SELECT.Chart SymbolsThis table contains some of the common symbols you might seeon the detailed charts.Icon DescriptionBuoyInformationMarine servicesTide stationCurrent stationOverhead photo availablePerspective photo availableOther features common to most charts include depth contourlines, intertidal zones, spot soundings (as depicted on theoriginal paper chart), navigational aids and symbols,obstructions, and cable areas.Navigating to a Point on the ChartCAUTIONThe Auto Guidance feature is based on electronic chartinformation. That data does not ensure obstacle and bottomclearance. Carefully compare the course to all visual sightings,and avoid any land, shallow water, or other obstacles that maybe in your path.When using Go To, a direct course and a corrected course maypass over land or shallow water. Use visual sightings, and steerto avoid land, shallow water, and other dangerous objects.NOTE: The offshore Fishing chart is available with premiumcharts, in some areas.NOTE: Auto Guidance is available with premium charts, in someareas.1 From the Navigation chart or Fishing chart, select a location.2 If necessary, select SELECT.3 Select Navigate To.4 Select an option:• To navigate directly to the location, select Go To.• To create a route to the location, including turns, selectRoute To.• To use Auto Guidance, select Guide To.5 Review the course indicated by the magenta line.NOTE: When using Auto Guidance, a gray segment withinany part of the magenta line indicates that Auto Guidancecannot calculate part of the Auto Guidance line. This is due tothe settings for minimum safe water depth and minimum safeobstacle height.6 Follow the magenta line, steering to avoid land, shallowwater, and other obstacles.Viewing Location and Object Information on a ChartYou can view information about a location or an object on theNavigation chart or the Fishing chart.NOTE: The offshore Fishing chart is available with premiumcharts, in some areas.1 From the Navigation chart or Fishing chart, select a locationor object.A list of options appears along the right side of the chart. Theoptions that appear vary based on the location or object youselected.2 Select an option:• To navigate to the selected location, select Navigate To.• To mark a waypoint at the cursor location, select NewWaypoint.• To view the distance and bearing of the object from yourcurrent location, select Measure Distance.The distance and bearing appear on the screen. SelectSELECT to measure from a location other than yourcurrent location.• To view tide, current, celestial, chart notes, or localservices information near the cursor, select Information.Viewing Details about NavaidsFrom the Navigation chart, Fishing chart, Perspective 3D chartview, or Mariner’s Eye 3D chart view, you can view details aboutvarious types of navigation aids, including beacons, lights, andobstructions.NOTE: The offshore Fishing chart is available with premiumcharts, in some areas.NOTE: Mariner's Eye 3D and Fish Eye 3D chart views areavailable with premium charts, in some areas.1 From a chart or 3D chart view, select a navaid.2 Select the name of the navaid.Heading Line and Angle MarkersThe heading line is an extension drawn on the map from thebow of the boat in the direction of travel. Angle markers indicatewhere you should navigate and are helpful for casting.Setting the Heading and Course Over Ground LinesYou can show the heading line and the course over ground(COG) line on the chart.COG is your direction of movement. Heading is the direction thebow of the boat is pointed, when a heading sensor is connected.1 From a chart view, select MENU > Chart Setup > ChartAppearance > Heading Line.2 If necessary, select Source, and select an option:• To automatically use the source available, select Auto.• To use the GPS antenna heading for COG, select GPSHeading (COG).• To use data from a connected heading sensor, selectHeading.• To use data from both a connected heading sensor andthe GPS antenna, select COG and Heading.This displays both the heading line and the COG line onthe chart.3 Select Display, and select an option:• Select Distance > Distance, and enter the length of theline shown on the chart.• Select Time > Time, and enter the time used to calculatethe distance your boat will travel in the specified time atyour present speed.Turning on Angle MarkersYou can add angle markers to the map along the heading line.Angle markers can be helpful for casting when fishing.1 Set the heading line (Setting the Heading and Course OverGround Lines, page 3).2 Select Angle Markers.Premium ChartsCAUTIONThe Auto Guidance feature is based on electronic chartinformation. That data does not ensure obstacle and bottomclearance. Carefully compare the course to all visual sightings,Charts and 3D Chart Views 3