when certain premium maps are used (Showing SatelliteImagery on the Navigation Chart, page 4).Water Overlay: Enables relief shading, which shows thegradient of the bottom with shading, or sonar imagery, whichhelps identify the density of the bottom. This feature isavailable only with some premium maps.Tides & Currents: Shows current station indicators and tidestation indicators on the chart (Showing Tides and CurrentIndicators, page 4) and enables the tides and current slider,which sets the time for which tides and currents are reportedon the map.Roses: Shows a compass rose around your boat, indicatingcompass direction oriented to the heading of the boat. A truewind direction or apparent wind direction indicator appears ifthe chartplotter is connected to a compatible marine windsensor. When in sailing mode, true and apparent wind areshown on the wind rose.Lake Level: Sets the present water level of the lake. Thisfeature is available only with some premium maps.Overlay Numbers: See Overlay Numbers Settings, page 7.Weather: Sets which weather items are shown on the chart,when the chartplotter is connected to a compatible weatherreceiver with an active subscription. Requires a compatible,connected antenna and an active subscription.Chart Appearance: See Chart Appearance Settings, page 7.Waypoints and Tracks Settings on the Charts andChart ViewsFrom a chart or a 3D chart view, select MENU > Waypoints &Tracks.Tracks: Shows tracks on the chart or 3D chart view.Waypoints: Shows the list of waypoints (Viewing a List of allWaypoints, page 10).New Waypoint: Creates a new waypoint.Waypoint Display: Sets how to display waypoints on the chart.Active Tracks: Shows the active track options menu.Saved Tracks: Shows the list of saved tracks (Viewing a List ofSaved Tracks, page 11).Tracks Display: Sets which tracks to display on the chart basedon track color.Overlay Numbers SettingsFrom a chart, 3D chart view, the Radar screen, or aCombinations screen, select MENU > Overlay Numbers.Edit Layout: Sets the layout of the data overlay, or data fields.You can select the data to be shown within each data field.Navigation Inset: Shows the navigation inset when the vesselis navigating to a destination.Navigation Inset Setup: Allows you to configure the navigationinset to show Route Leg Details, and to control when theinset appears before a turn or destination.Compass Tape: Shows the compass tape data bar when thevessel is navigating to a destination.Editing the Data FieldsYou can change the data shown in the overlay numbersdisplayed on the charts and other screens.1 From a screen that supports overlay numbers, select MENU.2 If necessary, select Chart Setup.3 Select Overlay Numbers > Edit Layout.4 Select a layout.5 Select a data field.6 Select the type of data shown in the field.Showing a Navigation InsetYou can control whether a navigation inset appears on somechart views. The navigation inset is shown only when the boat isnavigating to a destination.1 From a chart or 3D chart view, select MENU.2 If necessary, select Chart Setup.3 Select Overlay Numbers > Navigation Inset > Auto.4 Select Navigation Inset Setup.5 Complete an action:• To show waypoint velocity made good (VMG) whennavigating a route with more than one leg, select RouteLeg Details > On.• To show next-turn data based on distance, select NextTurn > Distance.• To show next-turn data based on time, select Next Turn >Time.• To indicate how the destination data appears, selectDestination, and select an option.Chart Appearance SettingsYou can adjust the appearance of the different charts and 3Dchart views. Each setting is specific to the chart or chart viewbeing used.NOTE: Not all settings apply to all charts and 3D chart viewsand chartplotter models. Some options require premium maps orconnected accessories.From a chart or 3D chart view, select MENU > Chart Setup >Chart Appearance.Orientation: Sets the perspective of the map.Detail: Adjusts the amount of detail shown on the map, atdifferent zoom levels.Heading Line: Shows and adjusts the heading line, which is aline drawn on the map from the bow of the boat in thedirection of travel, and sets the data source for the headingline.Panoptix Area: Shows and hides the area being scanned bythe Panoptix™ transducer. The attitude and heading referencesystem (AHRS) must be calibrated use this feature(Transducer Installation Settings, page 16).World Map: Uses either a basic world map or a shaded reliefmap on the chart. These differences are visible only whenzoomed out too far to see the detailed charts.Spot Depths: Turns on spot soundings and sets a dangerousdepth. Spot depths that are equal to or more shallow than thedangerous depth are indicated by red text.Shallow Shading: Sets the shades from the shoreline to thespecified depth.Depth Range Shading: Specifies an upper and lower depth toshade between.Symbols: Shows and configures the appearance of varioussymbols on the chart, such as the vessel icon, navaidsymbols, land POIs, and light sectors.Style: Sets how the chart appears over 3D terrain.Hazard Colors: Shows shallow water and land with a colorscale. Blue indicates deep water, yellow is shallow water, andred is very shallow water.Safe Depth: Sets the appearance of a safe depth for theMariner’s Eye 3D chart view.NOTE: This setting affects only the appearance of hazardcolors for the Mariner’s Eye 3D chart view. It does not affectthe safe water depth Auto Guidance setting or the sonarshallow water alarm setting.Charts and 3D Chart Views 7