Gemini 720is Imaging SonarDocument: 0703-SOM-00002, Issue: 1 11 © Tritech International Ltd.3. Hardware Installation & ConfigurationCautionAlthough the sonar head is rugged, it should be handled with care, particularlythe connector and receiver/transmitter elements. The plastic guard fitted to theunit will not be able to protect the sonar against significant impacts.3.1. Installing the Sonar HeadThe transducer should be mounted with the transmitter element on the top. The transmit andreceive elements are internally angled down at 10° which should be taken into account whenmounting the Sonar.Any metallic clamps should be electrically insulated from the sonar body by either rubber orplastic strips or mounting brackets of at least 3 mm thickness and extending at least 3 mmbeyond the clamp boundary to reduce any galvanic corrosion effect. Non-metallic clamps arepreferable; if metallic clamps are used (especially if they are not aluminium) they should bepainted or lacquered with at least two or three coatings.CautionWhen deploying the aluminium version of the Gemini 720is, alloys containingcopper such as brasses or bronze should be avoided.1. Sound Velocity Probe2. Transmitter Elements3. Receiver Elements3.2. Electrical & Communication NotesA cable whip supporting either Ethernet or VDSL communications is supplied. The other endshould be terminated with a suitable connector for the user application.