Hardware Installation & Configuration Gemini 720is Imaging SonarDocument: 0703-SOM-00002, Issue: 1 22 © Tritech International Ltd.3.8. Multiple Head InstallationIt is possible to control and display up to four Gemini heads from one computer using theGemini software. In order to do this extra hardware will be required to connect the extraGemini heads to the system as detailed:Using the GeminiEthernet Interface BoxThe Ethernet Interface Box will output to a standard Ethernetconnection so on a system with multiple heads it is possibleto connect these to an Ethernet switch. The Gemini sonar iscapable of utilising the full bandwidth of the 100Mbit·s-1 (fastEthernet) connection so any switch or hub (and subsequentinfrastructure) used should be rated to Gigabit speeds in orderto be able to cope with the data.Using the Gemini Hub Available as a separate item from Tritech International Ltd is aGemini Hub which is capable of powering and communicatingwith up to two Gemini sonars. The hub also provides RS232ports for connecting additional sensors to the system (such asGPS or navigation sensors). For more details of the GeminiHub please refer to the Gemini Hub manual or contact TritechInternational Ltd.It is also possible to link two Gemini 720is units together as long as at least one unit is fittedwith dual Seacon connectors in the dual Ethernet configuration:AUX ETHERNET PORT:CONNECTED TO MAIN PORTOF ADDITIONAL GEMINI 720isMAIN ETHERNET PORT:CONNECTED TO AUX PORTOF FIRST GEMINI 720isMAIN ETHERNET PORT:CONNECTED TO ETHERNETINFRASTRUCTURE (MUX POD ETC)GEMINI 720isGEMINI 720isBoth units would be controllable through the Gemini software as if they were connectedthrough a standard hub.