Seanet Pro Operation Gemini 720is Imaging SonarDocument: 0703-SOM-00002, Issue: 1 60 © Tritech International Ltd.The Gemini Sonar display is very similar to the standard Sonar display used for TritechInternational Ltd mechanical sonar heads such as SeaKing and SeaPrince. However, theGemini Sonar has a fixed scan sector of 120° and unlike the mechanical heads does nothave option for scan sector size and position adjustments. Therefore these function controlshave been omitted from the settings bar.NoteIf a Gemini Narrow Beam Imager is connected then the scan size willautomatically update to 130°.7.2.1. Sonar SettingsThe Gain, Contrast and Range controls relate to C1 – C3 respectively on a Remote AccessTerminal (RAT). Function buttons F1 & F2 will become active whenever a multi-device ormulti-window application is selected from the Applications menu. These controls willcycle through and maximise the device windows.1. Application Tools Clicking on the tools icon on the left of the Sonar Settings Bar willopen the Application Tools menu2. Application On, Off, Pause This doubles as a pause button and a status indicator.Clicking on the button will pause the signals from sonar to Seanet Pro and pause thescreen from refreshing. Green indicates normal operation, red indicates the sonar ispaused and yellow shows sonar data from a log replay.3. Sonar Gain (RAT: C1) sets the sonar receive gain as required – typically this is around20% - 50% but is varied according to water and target conditions and user preference.