Gemini Software Operation Gemini 720is Imaging SonarDocument: 0703-SOM-00002, Issue: 1 43 © Tritech International Ltd.NoteIn order to click and drag the markers the click must be within the head image.For example, if a marker is at location (0, 0) the clickable area is fairly small andcare must be taken to click the correct area. In this case, the Distance Markerline may reach past the head image boundary and would only be clickable whereit overlaps the head image.The distance between the Distance Marker and Set Point is displayed in the bottomright of the Gemini data view (see image below). The displayed values are calculated as:Distance (X, Y) = (Distance Marker - Set Point)The Distance Marker range/ Y coordinate may be updated from an external sensor. Enablingthe Distance Range from Sensor button will update the value whenever a configuredsensor message is received. See Appendix E, Gemini Software String Decode for theappropriate Marker Range decode options.5.2.7. Target TrackingTarget Tracking provides a mechanism of highlighting objects and following theirmovement over subsequent sonar frames. Once enabled, targets will be automaticallydetermined and tracked when selected.