5.6Interlock Switches (Rolling Steel)OPEN CLOSE STOP GND 1BTN NO NOREVERSE REVERSEODCSTB ODCSTBEXTINTLK EXTINTLKCONTROL SIGNAL TERMINAL STRIPFigure 6ANOTE: If External Interlock is used, THE JUMPER WIRE BETWEEN THE EXT INTLK TERMINALS MUST BE REMOVED.SWITCH075412-0000(N.O.)ANGLE405964-0000STANDARDSLIDELOCKTRACKSWITCH110325-0001 (N.C.)Switches mustbe set inthe field.Pass door interlock:Should be open whendoor is open.Closed when door isclosed.Side lock interlock:Should be open when door is locked.Closed when door is unlocked.BA1) Optional external interlock switchesare required with some Sectional orRolling Steel Doors to prevent thedoor from operating under certainconditions including the following:If the door is equipped with afunctioning door lock, aninterlock switch (A) must beinstalled to prevent electricoperation when the lockis engaged.If the door is equipped with apedestrian pass-through door,an interlock switch (B) must beinstalled at the pass-throughdoor in order to preventelectrical operation when thepass-through door is open.The Switches must be set inthe field.www.geniecompany.com 01-14