Section 4 • Repair ProceduresREV BNovember 2005Part No. 84700 GR-12 • GR-15 • GR-20 4 - 17MAST COMPONENTS3-2Glide PadsGlide pads, used on the GR-12 and GR-15, andwear pads, used on the GR-20, are used toprovide a uniform fit between the columns as themast extends and retracts. Over time, it may benecessary to adjust the glide pads to ensure goodmachine performance.Wear pads are not adjustable and do not requireservicing.How to Adjust the Glide Pads1 Locate the upper and lower glide padadjustment bolts below each upper roller bolt,on both sides of each column.2 Hold the glide pad adjustment bolt and loosenthe lock nut on all glide pads.3 Turn the glide pad adjustment bolt clockwiseuntil the glide pad makes contact with thecolumn. Adjust the glide pads on both sides ofall columns. Be sure the sides of the columnsare even to within 1/ 8 inch / 3 mm of each other.4 On the number 1 column, secure the upper andlower glide pad bolts on both sides of the mast.Hold the glide pad adjustment bolt and torquethe lock nut to 12 in-lbs / 1.35 Nm. Be sure theglide pad bolt does not turn.5 Repeat step 5 for the upper and lower glidepads on both sides of the each column of themast, Start with the number 2 column and worktoward the carriage.3-3Lifting ChainsHow to Adjust the Lifting Chains1 Mark the column to be adjusted.2 Raise the platform approximately 6 feet / 2 m.3 Place a lifting strap of suitable capacity from anoverhead crane under the platform. Support theplatform. Do not apply any lifting pressure.Component damage hazard. Theplatform railings and platformextension deck (if equipped) canbe damaged if they are used to liftthe platform. Do not attach thelifting strap to the platform railingsor the platform extension deck.4 Turn the adjustment lock nuts evenly on bothsides of the chain tension rocker clockwise toraise the column or counterclockwise to lowerthe column.The chain tensioner rocker islocated near the bottom of eachcolumn.5 Fully lower the platform and confirm thealignment of the columns. Repeat steps 2through 5 if necessary.6 Confirm that the chain tensioner bracket iscentered in the inspection hole.a lifting chainb chain terminalc chain tension rockerd adjustment lock nute mast columnf inspection holeabcdef