REV GSection 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures July 20073 - 18 GS-3390 • GS-4390 • GS-5390 Part No. 72863B-6Check and Adjust theEngine RPMGenie requires that this procedure be performedevery 250 hours or quarterly, whichever comesfirst.Maintaining the engine rpm at the proper setting forboth low and high idle is essential to good engineperformance and service life. The machine will notoperate properly if the rpm is incorrect andcontinued use may cause component damage.Note: The on-board self diagnostics incorporate abuilt-in engine tachometer. The first two digits ofthe engine RPM are displayed on the diagnosticdisplay when the start toggle switch is moved tothe START position with the engine running. EngineRPM equals the first two digits multiplied by 100.Note: Perform this procedure after warming theengine to normal operating temperature.Ford models:Note: The engine rpm is controlled by the ECMand can only be adjusted by re-programming theECM. If rpm adjustment or service is required,please contact the Genie Industries ServiceDepartment OR your local Ford dealer.Deutz models:1 Start the engine from the ground controls.2 Before serial number GS9004-41523: Moveand hold the start toggle switch to the startposition and check the engine RPM on thediagnostic display. Refer to Section 2,Specifications.After serial number GS9004-41522: Pressand hold the start button and check the engineRPM on the diagnostic display. Refer to Section2,Specifications.Skip to step 6 if the low idle rpm is correct.3 Release the latches on the engine tray and fullyslide the engine tray out.4 Insert a 6 inch / 15 cm screwdriver or rod intothe engine tray lock hole located near theengine tray roller wheels to prevent the enginetray from moving.5 Loosen the low idle lock nut and turn the lowidle adjustment screw clockwise to increase therpm, or counterclockwise to decrease the rpm.Tighten the low idle lock nut and repeat step 2.Deutz models with throttle linkagea low idle adjustment screwb low idle lock nutc yoked yoke lock nute high idle adjustment lock nutsf solenoid bootCHECKLIST B PROCEDURESa bcdf e