REV ESection 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures July 20073 - 34 GS-3390 • GS-4390 • GS-5390 Part No. 72863D-4Replace the Diesel FuelFilter/Water Separator -Deutz ModelsEngine specifications require that this procedurebe performed every 1000 hours or annually,whichever comes first.Replacing the diesel fuel filter/water separator isessential to good engine performance and servicelife. A dirty or clogged filter/water separator maycause the engine to perform poorly and continueduse may cause component damage. Extremelydirty conditions may require that the filter/waterseparator be replaced more often.Explosion and fire hazard. Enginefuels are combustible. Replace thefuel filter/water separator in anopen, well-ventilated area awayfrom heaters, sparks, flames andlighted tobacco. Always have anapproved fire extinguisher withineasy reach.Note: Perform this procedure with the engine off.1 Release the latches on the engine tray and fullyslide the engine tray out.2 Insert a 6 inch / 15 cm screwdriver or rod intothe engine tray lock hole located near theengine tray roller wheels to prevent the enginetray from moving.3 Turn the manual fuel shutoff valves, located atthe fuel tank, to the closed position.D-3Replace the Drive Hub OilGenie specifications require that this procedure beperformed every 1000 hours or annually,whichever comes first.Replacing the drive hub oil is essential for goodmachine performance and service life. Failure toreplace the drive hub oil at yearly intervals maycause the machine to perform poorly andcontinued use may cause component damage.1 Select the drive hub to be serviced. Drive themachine until one of the two plugs is at thelowest point.2 Remove both plugs and drain the oil into asuitable container.3 Drive the machine until one plug is at the topand the other is at 90 degrees.CHECKLIST D PROCEDURESa drive hub plugs4 Fill the hub with oil from the top hole until the oillevel is even with the bottom of the side hole.Apply pipe thread sealant to the plugs. Installthe plugs. Refer to Section 2,Specifications.5 Repeat steps 1 through 4 for all the other drivehubs.aa