September 2016 Service and Repair ManualFord MSG-425 Engine Fault CodesPart No. 1268548 Z-45/25 • Z-45/25J 111How to R etrieve For d M SG-425 Engine F ault C odesHow to Retrieve Ford EngineFault CodesThe ECM constantly monitors the engine by theuse of sensors on the engine. The ECM also usessignals from the sensors to initiate sequential fuelinjection and make constant and instantaneouschanges to ignition timing, fuel delivery and throttleposition to maintain the engine's running conditionat its highest efficiency while at the same timekeeping exhaust emissions to a minimum. When asensor fails or returns signals that are outside ofset parameters, the ECM will store a fault code inmemory that relates to the appropriate sensor andwill turn on the Check Engine Light.Note: Perform this procedure with the key switch inthe off position.1 Open the ground controls side cover andlocate the run/test toggle switch on the side ofthe ground control box.2 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to theon position at both the ground and platformcontrols.3 Move and hold the run/test toggle switch to thetest position.Result: The check engine light should turn on.The check engine light should begin to blink.4 Continue to hold the run/test toggle switch inthe test position and count the blinks.Note: Before the fault codes are displayed, thecheck engine light will blink a code 1-6-5-4 threetimes. After the fault codes, the check engine lightwill blink a code 1-6-5-4 three times againindicating the end of the stored codes.Note: If any fault codes are present, the ECM willblink a three digit code three times for each codestored in memory. It will blink the first digit of athree digit code, pause, blink the second digit,pause, and then blink the third digit. For example:the check engine light blinks 5 consecutive times,blinks 3 times and then 1 time. That would indicatecode 531.Note: Once a fault code has been retrieved and therepair has been completed, the ECM memory mustbe reset to clear the fault code from the ECM.Refer to Fault Codes Procedure, How to ClearEngine Fault Codes from the ECM.How to Clear Engine Fault Codesfrom the ECMNote: Perform this procedure with the engine offand the key switch in the off position.1 Open the engine side turntable cover andlocate the battery.2 Disconnect the negative battery cable from thebattery for a minimum of 5 minutes.Electrocution/burn hazard.Contact with electrically chargedcircuits could result in death orserious injury. Remove all rings,watches and other jewelry.3 Connect the negative battery cable to thebattery.