8a. Position Safe-T-Beam source and sensor oneach side garage door 5"– 6" above floor.8b. Mark bracket mounting holes and secure with (4)1/4" x 1-1/4" lag screws provided into wood. Ifmounting into concrete or block, other fasteners arerequired and are available at leading retail stores.8c. Use garage pre-wiring when available or route twolengths of two conductor wires from powerhead,through 4 wire clips and fixed to top of rail, acrossheader, on both left and right of doordown to the source and sensor.8d. Secure wire to rail with wire clipsspaced evenly along rail, and wireto header and wall with insulatedstaples. Insert wires from abovethrough control wire tube. Cut offexcess wire.8e. Attach wire to terminals on eachSafe-T-Beam. At powerhead, twist (2)striped wires together and insert intoterminal 1 then twist (2) white wirestogether and insert into terminal 2. Tape excess wire to powerhead away from lights.8f. At powerhead, press IN the orange tabs above the terminal to insert the wires with aflat head screw driver.8 Installing Safe-T-Beam ®(YELLOW BAG hardware)When using insulated staples, make only snug enough to hold wire in place. Staples tootight can cause damage to wire and cause Safe-T-Beam® System to malfunction.C A U T I O NM8c8aI8e 8fWall mount SensorSensorPowerheadTo powerheadFloor mount option6" max5" minabove floorSourceSensor/SourceTo sensorsControl wire tube9a. Route wire from powerhead todesired location for wall console.Some homes are pre-wired andthey may not be color-coded.9b. Secure wire with insulating staplesand cut off excess wire.9c. Attach wires to wall console asshown.9d. From above, insert opposite end ofwire through control wire tube onpowerhead and attach as shown.9e. Mount wall console with #6 screws9f. Post “ENTRAPMENT WARNING LABEL” (included inManual) next to the Wall Console.Note: Some homes are pre-wired for Safe-T-Beam devices.Complete the connection and apply power. If the sensoror wall console LEDs come ON, wire routing is correct.You may need to wire one sensor at a time to confirmwire routing in some cases.9 Installing Wall Console(CLEAR BAG hardware)Use of any other wall control can cause unexpected operation of the door and loss oflighting feature. Locate wall console within sight of door and far enough from door toprevent contacting it while operating the console. Control must be at least 5 feet abovefloor to prevent small children from operating it.W A R N I N GW A R N I N GI9dOB/W W9cWhiteStripedTo powerheadTo wallconsoleTo wallconsoleControl wire tube