Managing Your Device 8-7Location and Security SettingsItem DescriptionUse wirelessnetworksTo set whether to use information from Wi-Fi andmobile networks for location-aware applications.Use GPS satellites To set whether to use the built-in GPS (GlobalPositioning System) satellite receiver to pinpoint yourlocation.Set up screen lock To specify the unlock security. Could be none, a pattern,a numeric PIN, or a password.Set up SIM cardlockTo configure the device to require entering the SIM cardPIN to use it.To change the SIM card PIN.Visible passwords Check to briefly show each character of passwords asyou enter them, so that you can see what you enter.Select deviceadministratorsOpens list of the applications you have authorized to bedevice administrators for your device. This is typically anenterprise application that you granted this authorityto, when you added an account hosted by an enterpriseservice that requires the ability to implement securitypolicies on the devices that connect to it.Use securecredentialsCheck to allow applications to access your encryptedstore of secure certificates and related passwords andother credentials. If you have not set a password for thecredential storage, this setting is dimmed.Install from SDcardTo install a secure certificate from an SD cardSet password To set or change the password (at least 8 characters) foryour secure credential storage.Clear storage To delete all secure certificates and related credentialsand erase the secure storage’s own password.