155Table 70 Information on labels affixed to the fiber between the device and the ODFContent Meaning ExampleMN: Cabinet number For example, A01B: Frame number Numbered in bottom-up order with two digits, forexample, 01C: Physical slot number Numbered in top-down and left-right order withtwo digits, for example, 01.D: Optical interface number Numbered in top-down and left-right order withtwo digits, for example, 05MN-B-C-D-R/TR: Optical receiving interfaceT: Optical transmitting interface —MN: Row number and columnnumber of ODFNumbered in the same rule as that of thecabinets, for example, G01 is the ODF of Row Gand Column 01B: Row number of the terminaldeviceC: Column number of the terminaldeviceRange from 01 to 99, for example, 01-01ODF-MN-B-C-R/TR: Optical receiving interfaceT: Optical transmitting interface —Example of the labelFigure 90 shows the label on the optical fiber between the switch and the ODF.Figure 90 Example of the label on the optical fiber between the switch and the ODF“ODF-G01-01-01-R” indicates that the local end of the optical fiber is connected with the optical receivingterminal on Row 01, Column 01 of the ODF in Row G Column 01 in the equipment room.“A01-01-05-05-R” indicates that the opposite end of the optical fiber is connected with Optical ReceivingInterface 5 on Slot 05, frame 01 in the cabinet on Row A, Column 01 in the equipment room.Engineering labels for power cablesThis section includes these topics:• Labels for DC power cables• Labels for AC power cables