70Figure 52 Power supply slot numbers for the S12508Figure 53 Power supply slot numbers for the S12518After the power-supply led-blink command is executed, the LED of the corresponding power supplyblinks for a period of time to show you the location of the power supply. You can configure the time whenthe LED blinks and how long the LED keeps blinking. If you execute the command without specifying apower supply ID, the LEDs of all power supplies blink one by one in the ascending order of the powersupply IDs.NOTE:When you allocate IDs to the AC power supplies, and then after a period of time, reboot the switch usingthe following guidelines:• If the locations of the AC power supplies do not change or some AC power supplies are plugged outduring this period of time, the IDs of the AC power supplies do not change after the switch reboots;• If the locations of the AC power supplies are changed or some new AC power supplies are plugged induring this period of time, the AC power supplies are allocated new IDs randomly after the switchreboots.Follow these steps to allocate IDs for AC power supplies:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Configure the time when the LED ofthe specified power supply blinksand how long the LED keepsblinking (standalone mode)power-supply led-blink [ module id ][ blink-time value ] [ delay-time value ]OptionalBy default, the LED blinks for3 seconds as soon as thecommand is executed.Configure the time when the LED ofthe specified power supply blinksand how long the LED keepsblinking on a specified memberswitch (IRF mode)power-supply led-blink chassischassis-number [ module id ] [ blink-timevalue ] [ delay-time value ]OptionalBy default, the LED blinks for3 seconds as soon as thecommand is executed.Allocate new IDs for the specifiedAC power supplies (standalonemode)power-supply module old-id-list new-idnew-id-listRequiredBy default, the systemallocates IDs for AC powersupplies randomly.Allocate new IDs for the specifiedAC power supplies on a specifiedmember switch (IRF mode)power-supply module chassischassis-number old-id-list new-idnew-id-listRequiredBy default, the systemallocates IDs for AC powersupplies randomly.