Command Manual – MSTPH3C S3100-52P Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 MSTP Configuration Commands1-5z If both a spanning tree instance ID list and a port list are specified, the commanddisplays spanning tree information about the specified spanning tree instancesand the specified ports in the order of spanning tree instance ID.MSTP state information includes:1) Global CIST parameters: Protocol operating mode, switch priority in the CISTinstance, MAC address, hello time, max age, forward delay, max hops, thecommon root of the CIST, the external path cost for the switch to reach the CISTcommon root, region root, the internal path cost for the switch to reach the regionroot, CIST root port of the switch, the state of the BPDU protection function(enabled or disabled), and the state of the digest snooping feature (enabled ordisabled).2) CIST port parameters: Port protocol, port role, port priority, path cost, designatedbridge, designated port, edge port/non-edge port, whether or not the link on a portis a point-to-point link, the maximum transmitting speed, type of the enabled rootprotection function, state of the digest snooping feature (enabled or disabled),VLAN mappings, hello time, max age, forward delay, Message-age time, andremaining hops.3) Global MSTI parameters: MSTI instance ID, bridge priority of the instance, regionroot, internal path cost, MSTI root port, and master bridge.4) MSTI port parameters: Port state, role, priority, path cost, designated bridge,designated port, and remaining hops.The statistical information includes: the numbers of the TCN BPDUs, the configurationBPDUs, the RST BPDUs, and the MST BPDUs transmitted/received by each port.Related command: reset stp.Example# Display the state and statistical information about a spanning tree. display stp instance 0 interface Ethernet 1/0/1 to Ethernet 1/0/4 briefMSTID Port Role STP State Protection0 Ethernet1/0/1 ALTE DISCARDING LOOP0 Ethernet1/0/2 DESI FORWARDING NONE0 Ethernet1/0/3 DESI FORWARDING NONE0 Ethernet1/0/4 DESI FORWARDING NONETable 1-2 Description on the fields of the display stp commandField DescriptionMSTID ID of a spanning tree instance in theMST regionPort Port index corresponding to a spanningtree instanceRole Port role