12Binding a physical port to an IRF portTo establish IRF connection, you must assign the physical ports that connect IRF member switches to IRFports.An IRF port can be bound to a maximum of 12 physical ports and is known as an aggregate IRF port,which can be realized by repeatedly executing the port group interface command. This allows twoswitches to be connected through 12 Ethernet cables or fibers to increase the bandwidth and reliabilityof the IRF port.To bind a physical port to an IRF port:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enter physical IRF port view interface interface-typeinterface-number —Shut down the port shutdownRequired when two memberswitches have more than onepair of physical IRF portsconnected.Return to system view quit —Create an IRF port and enter IRFport view when the switchoperates in standalone mode (ifthe IRF port is already created,this command enters IRF portview)irf-port port-numberRequiredBy default, no IRF port is createdon the switch.Bind a physical IRF port to the IRFportport group interface interface-typeinterface-numberRequiredBy default, an IRF port is notbound to any physical IRF port.Verify the binding configurationdisplay irf configuration [ | { begin |exclude | include }regular-expression ]OptionalMake sure that the binding is asexpected. If the binding isincorrect, IRF cabling errors mayoccur, resulting in IRFestablishment failure.CAUTION:• A combo port cannot be bound to an IRF port. For information about combo ports, seeInterfaceConfiguration Guide.• Save the configurations to the startup configuration file so that the configurations can take effect whenthe switch is switched to IRF mode.• In standalone mode, binding a physical port to an IRF port does not affect the running configuration ofthe port. However, when the operating mode changes to IRF mode, the default configuration of thephysical IRF port restores, and you can only execute the shutdown and description commands on thephysical port. For more information about the shutdown and description commands, seeInterfaceCommand Reference.