15Configuration file auto-conversionWhen you change the operating mode of the switch from standalone to IRF, you can use theconfiguration file auto-conversion function to convert the startup configuration file to prevent some slot- orinterface-related configurations from becoming invalid. For example, this function can convert the slotslot-number parameter set in standalone mode to the chassis chassis-number slot slot-number parameterin IRF mode, and add the chassis ID in an interface number.Switching the operating mode to IRF modeTo switch the operating mode of the switch to IRF mode:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Switch the operating mode of theswitch to IRF mode chassis convert mode irfRequiredThe default operating mode isstandalone mode.NOTE:• To display the member ID of the switch, use the display irf configuration command. If the MemberIDfield is displayed as —, the member ID of the switch is not set yet, and you need to use the irf membercommand to configure it.• When you switch the operating mode, the switch reboots automatically to make the change effective.H3C recommends that you save the running configuration before switching the operating mode.• To switch the operating mode of the switch to standalone mode, use the undo chassis convert mode irfcommand.Accessing an IRF fabricAccessing the active MPU of an IRF fabricAccess an IRF fabric in one of the following ways:• Local login—Log in on the AUX or console port of a member switch.• Remote login—Remotely log in at a Layer 3 Ethernet interface on any member switch through Telnet,the web, or SNMP.When you log in to an IRF fabric, you are placed at the CLI of its active MPU, regardless of at whichmember switch you are logged in. The active MPU of the IRF fabric is the configuration and control centerof the IRF fabric. You make configuration for the IRF fabric on the active MPU, and the IRF fabricsynchronizes the configurations to all standby MPUs in the virtual IRF device.Accessing a standby MPU of an IRF fabricYou can log in to the CLI of a standby MPU of the IRF fabric to display its configurations and debug thestandby MPU. When you switch from the active MPU’s CLI to the standby MPU’s CLI, you are placed inthe user view of the standby MPU and the command prompt changes to