21To do… Use the command… RemarksSpecify the preservation time ofthe bridge MAC address of theIRF fabric as 6 minutes when themaster leavesirf mac-address persistent timerpreserved permanently when themaster leaves.Configure that the bridge MACaddress of the IRF fabric changesas soon as the master leavesundo irf mac-address persistentCAUTION:• Bridge MAC address change may cause a temporary traffic interruption.• If two IRF fabrics have the same bridge MAC address, they cannot be merged into one IRF fabric.• If you use ARP MAD together with the spanning tree feature for an IRF fabric, enable the IRF fabric tochange its bridge MAC address as soon as the master leaves by using the undo irf mac-addresspersistent command.• If the VRRP load balancing function is enabled when the switch operates in IRF mode, you mustconfigure the preservation time of IRF bridge MAC address as permanently preserved (which is thedefault setting). For more information about VRRP, seeHigh Availability Configuration Guide.Enabling auto reboot for IRF fabric mergeWhen merging IRF fabrics, you must reboot the member switches in the IRF fabric that has been defeatedin the master election. The auto reboot function enables the IRF fabric to automatically reboot all itsmember switches to complete the merge.This function can work only when it is enabled on both IRF fabrics that are merging.To enable auto reboot for IRF fabric merge:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enable auto reboot for IRF fabricmerge irf auto-merge enable OptionalDisabled by default.NOTE:The auto reboot function does not take effect on the IRF fabric merge caused by binding a physical port toan IRF port in IRF mode. You must manually reboot the switches that have been defeated in the masterselection to complete the merge.Enabling automatic boot file updating• When auto upgrade of boot files is disabled and the boot files of slaves and the master are differentversions, the new member or the member with a low priority do not boot normally. Update theswitch version and add the switch into the IRF fabric again.• When auto upgrade of boot file is enabled, the IRF fabric compares its software version with thatof the master as soon as a switch is added into an IRF fabric. If the versions are not the same, theswitch automatically downloads the boot file from the master, reboots with the new boot file, and