131QPPB configuration commandQPPB configuration commandbgp-policySyntaxbgp-policy { destination | source } { ip-prec-map | ip-qos-map } *undo bgp-policy { destination | source } [ ip-prec-map | ip-qos-map ] *ViewInterface viewDefault level2: System levelParametersdestination: Searches the routing table by destination IP address.source: Searches the routing table by source IP address.ip-prec-map: Sets IP precedence for matching packets.ip-qos-map: Sets a QoS-local ID for matching packets.DescriptionUse the bgp-policy command to enable the QPPB function, which transmits the apply ip-precedence andapply qos-local-id configuration through the BGP routing policy.Use the undo bgp-policy command to cancel the configuration.By default, QPPB is disabled.Support for this command depends on your router model.NOTE:The bgp-policy command applies to only the incoming traffic.In an MPLS L3VPN, the bgp-policy command is executed after the QoS features are performed in theinbound direction of the public network interface of the PE. In any other case, the bgp-policy commandis executed prior to the QoS features.If the source keyword is specified, the source IP address is used as the destination address for inverselookup.If two bgp-policy commands are executed, one with the source keyword and the other with thedestination keyword, the last command entered applies.Related commands: route-policy, apply ip-precedence, and apply qos-local-id (Layer 3—IP RoutingCommand Reference).