![HAI OMNI IIe Owner's Manual Manual pdf 92 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/3379481/32339b23a683128cf5d226b3b6c9200692f.jpg)
Page 84AUDIO CONTROLOnce configured by your installer, from any OmniTouch touchscreen, you can control on/off, volume, and muting of any AudioZone on the HAI Hi-Fi system. Furthermore, you can select the Audio Source (up to 6 Audio Sources) and Audio Zones (up to 8Audio Zones) on the HAI Hi-Fi audio distribution system.To control the HAI Hi-Fi system from an OmniTouch touchscreen, press the “Audio” icon on the Home page. By default, theinterface control Audio Zone 1 on the HAI Hi-Fi system. The Audio Zone can be changed using the “Zone” button on thetouchscreen interface. Once the Audio Zone has been changed, it becomes the new default Audio Zone for that OmniTouchtouchscreen. If desired, each OmniTouch touchscreen can be configured to default to a different Audio Zone.The top line on the display will show the Audio Zone name (e.g. Living Room), followed by: ON (the Audio Zone is currentlyon), OFF (the Audio Zone is currently off), or MUTE (the Audio System is currently muted). Justified to the right of the displayon the top line is the current volume level for the Audio Zone, displayed as a percentage (0%-100%).The second line on the display will show the Audio Source name (e.g. AM/FM TUNER, CD PLAYER, MP3 PLAYER, etc.).Once completed, press the Exit icon to return to OmniTouch Home page.Changing Audio SourceTo select a new Audio Source for the current Audio Zone, press the “Source” button on the touchscreen interface. Select thedesired Audio Source from the Source list box.Changing Audio ZoneTo select a new Audio Zone, press the “Zone” button on the touchscreen interface. Select the desired Audio Zone from the Zonelist box. Once selected, you will be able to control that Audio Zone from the touchscreen interface. The selected Audio Zonewill be the default for that OmniTouch touchscreen until a different Audio Zone is selected.Configuring Source and Zone NamesThe names that are displayed on the OmniTouch touchscreen interface for Audio Source and Audio Zone must be configured inthe Omni IIe controller. A name must be given to each Audio Source and Audio Zone to make it available in the respective listbox when changing the Audio Source or Audio Zone.When your Omni IIe is configured to control HAI Hi-Fi, certain unit numbers (currently flag units) are allocated for Audio Sourceor Audio Zone names. This means that the allocated unit numbers will no longer be displayed in the unit list.Unit numbers 113-118 are allocated for the Audio Source names. These names should match the names of each Audio Source inyour audio distribution system. For example:Audio Distribution System HAI Omni IIeSource 1 AM/FM Tuner Unit 113 AM/FM TunerSource 2 XM Tuner Unit 114 XM TunerSource 3 Home Theater Unit 115 Home TheaterSource 4 CD Player Unit 116 CD PlayerSource 5 Satellite Unit 117 Satellite