2) Cooling operationElectronic expansion valve:overheat control,Swing flap:cooling standard position ,Fan motor: rated speedCloseOpenNoNoYesYesNoYesElectronic expansion valve:close, send turning off unitsignal to outdoor unitAccording to thestate of thermostatElectronic expansion valve:overheat control, sendturning on unit signal toEmergencyElectronic expansion valve:overheat control,Swing flap:cooling standard position ,Fan motor: autoElectronic expansion valve:overheat control,Swing flap:cooling standard position ,Fan motor: high speedRatedoperationTestNoYesYesNoAdjust fan speedaccording totemperature set and inOperate in fanspeed setAutomaticfan speedSwing actionSwing flap in thecooling standardpositionSwingCooling-46-