OUTDOOR UNIT CONTROLS & COMPONENTSPAGE 12ENGLISH4-Way ValveElectronic Expansion ValveThe metering device is an electronic expansion valve typeEEV. The valve consists of an electrical operator and a valvebody with internal variable size orifice. When operating,the Main Control Board will send pulses of voltage to theelectrical operator. The operator will then magnetically movethe position of the metering orifice pin to vary its size.The metering device position is determined by input froma Suction Line Temperature Sensor located in the outdoorunit. The EEV will change the internal orifice size to maintain asuperheat level of around 10°F.The 4-Way Valve redirects the flow of refrigerant in the pipingcircuit to allow the system to swap the functions of the indoorand outdoor coils. When de-energized in COOL MODE, thevalve will direct the refrigerant hot gas to the outdoor coil.When energized in HEAT MODE, the valve will direct the hotgas to the indoor coil.The valve flow direction capability is controlled by anelectrical solenoid. When energized by 240 Volts, line voltage,the solenoid will magnetically move an internal slide withinthe 4-Way Valve to change the direction of refrigerant flow.The 4-Way Valve is electrically connected to the Main ControlBoard at PLUG CN-10.AccumulatorThe Accumulator is located in the suction line circuit at theentrance to the compressor. The accumulator helps preventliquid refrigerant from entering the compressor during runoperation.Refrigerant FiltersElectrical Base Pan HeaterThe system has debris catching filters that protect internalsystem components from contaminants in the refrigerant.The filter is a permanent part that is not typically replaced.During COOL MODE operation, the valve meters lowpressure refrigerant to the indoor coil. During HEAT MODEoperation, the valve meters low pressure refrigerant to theoutdoor coil.The system has an electrical base pan heater for defrosting.