ERROR CODES & PROBLEM SOLVINGPAGE 39ENGLISHwiring and connections to the PFC Reactor as well as the PFCReactor itself. Repair or replace as necessary.Step 3Reconnect the wiring to the module board at the conclusionof the test.Checking the Socket Protect ComponentStep 1Disconnect the Socket Protect plug from the controlboard connector for this test. Failure to do so may provideinaccurate readings.Step 2Using an Ohmmeter, check the resistance value of the SocketProtect component. The resistance reading should be 0Ohms. If it is not, replace the component.Step 3Re-seat the plug on the connector at the conclusion of thetest.Checking the Compressor WindingsStep 1Disconnect wiring from terminals U (black wire), V (whitewire), and W (red wire) of the power module board.Step 2Using an Ohmmeter, check the resistance value of thecompressor windings. Measure between wires U (black wire)and V (white wire), U (black wire) and W (red wire), and V(white wire), and W (red wire).The resistance value of the windings should be nearlybalanced. Check the manufacturer reference table for thecompressor winding values. Repair or replace as needed.Step 3Reconnect the wiring to the module board at the conclusionof the test.NOTE: Component resistance readings shown in this sectionare for reference only. Actual resistance values may differbased on model being tested.Component readings shown below are based on a modelHSU12VHGL-G indoor unit.Checking Indoor Unit ComponentsTesting of the following components requires the use of anOhmmeter and Temperature Probe (Temperature probe isused during sensor testing only).NOTE: When using the test probes, probe the back or sidecontacts of the plug to obtain the reading. Do not try toprobe the connector end of the plug as this may damage thecontacts of the plug.Checking the Indoor Unit SensorsNOTE: Use respective temperature / sensor chart for sensortype being tested.Coil sensorAmbient sensorStep 1Disconnect the sensor plug from the control board for thistest. Failure to do so may provide inaccurate readings.Step 2Using a temperature probe, determine the temperature ofthe sensor being tested.Step 3Using an Ohmmeter, check the resistance value of the sensor.Step 4Referring to the temperature / resistance table for the sensorbeing checked, verify the resistance value corresponds to thetemperature checked in step 2.Replace the sensor if the reading is open, shorted, or outsidethe specifications of the temperature / resistance table.Step 5Re-seat the plug on the connector at the conclusion of thetest.Checking the Electrical Base Pan HeaterIf the test range of resistance between the two terminals ofelectrical base pan heater was between 100 and 500ohm,then the heater is normal.Test the resistance between the two terminals of the heater.If it is open or short circuited, the heater is broken.