Page GB-25Environmental protectionEnvironmental protectionEnergy saving tipsWhen cooking, always leave the lid on thesaucepan wherever possible. Liquids can bebrought to the boil more quickly with the lidon than without.Only ever use high-quality, new saucepansand pans. They lie flat on the hob and there-fore conduct energy more easily than cook-ware with a warped or dented base (pleasenote the chapter “The correct cookware”).Turn the level down quickly and continue tocook at the lowest possible setting.Always use pressure cooking saucepanswhenever possible. This will halve the cook-ing process and you will save a lot of energy.Only use as much water as you really needto cook the food. A lot of energy is required towarm up water.Disposing of oldelectrical devices in anenvironmentally-friendlymannerElectrical devices contain harmfulsubstances as well as valuable re-sources.Every consumer is therefore re-quired by law to dispose of old electrical ap-pliances at an authorised collection or returnpoint. They will thus be made available forenvironmentally-sound, resource-saving re-cycling.You can dispose of old electrical appliancesfree of charge at your local recycling centre.Please contact your dealer directly for moreinformation about this topic.PackagingOur packaging is made from envi-ronmentally friendly, recyclable ma-terials:– Outer packaging made of cardboard– Moulded parts made of foamed, CFC-freepolystyrene (PS) parts– Films and bags made of polyethylene (PE)– Tension bands made of polypropylene(PP).If you would like to dispose of the packag-ing, please dispose of it in an environmentallyfriendly way.